Thanks for answering the questions, we have all we need now to tell you the rules you must follow, as well as some important things you should also follow.
Your Results:
You said...
Your drone is over 2kg, but under 25kg.
You are a member of one of the model flying associations.
Display a UK Civil Aviation Authority 'OPERATOR ID' on the body of the drone.
Hold a valid UK Civil Aviation Authority 'FLYER ID'.
Fly within visual line of sight of yourself at all times.
NOT fly higher than 400ft from the nearest point of terrain.
NOT fly within any residential, commercial, or, industrial areas.
NOT fly within 50m * of uninvolved people (the public).
NOT fly within 50m ** horizontally of assemblies of people (crowds).
NOT fly for commercial purposes.
NOT fly in a manner that recklessly or negligently endangers people or property.
NOT fly in a manner that recklessly or negligently endangers an aircraft, or any person in an aircraft.
NOT fly in a Flight Restriction Zone without appropriate permission.
NOT fly too close to people as to cause a nuisance.
NOT take off and fly from an area that does not allow drones.
Fly using First Person View (FPV), but only when accompanied by a competent observer who is stood with you and maintains visual line of sight on your behalf.
Fly in recreational areas provided the area is deemed suitable.
* Fly as close as 30m to uninvolved people if your drone is under 7.5kg.
** Fly as close as 30m horizontally to assemblies of people if your drone is under 7.5kg (but NEVER over at any height).
Read and familiarise yourself with the limits of your association's Article 16.
Always practice in a safe area away from uninvolved people and property.